If you’re starting to research the property market, we understand it’s comforting to get a quick initial gauge of the value of your property.

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Simply fill in your details below and we'll share an approximate value of your property based on recent REINZ data*

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Your result

The estimated value of your property is:

Last updated:
Confidence rating:

Tool Tip

The confidence rating is calculated based upon the amount of sales data there is in a certain council area. The higher the rating, the more data there is available to compare it against. For example, a rating of A has the most data and a rating of D has the least.

Your result

Great news!

This property is currently listed with Professionals.

Click below to see the full details or contact our Sales Agent directly.

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So what’s next?

If you’re serious about selling your property, then the next step is to get a sighted valuation of your property and work with an agent to design a campaign for its sale. We’d love to be on your team.

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About this valuation

Online tools like this are a great starting point when researching how much your property is worth. To determine the value, they use an algorithm to analyse the impact of recent similar local sales combined with property records. The greater the volume of recent comparable sales, the more accurate the estimation. In our case, we use data provided to us by the Real Estate Institute of NZ, which is the source of the most recent, complete and accurate real estate data in New Zealand.

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Looking for a more accurate valuation?

While an online valuation like ours can be a great starting point, if you’re thinking about selling your home, an in-person market appraisal from an experienced real estate agent is the best way to get a more accurate understanding of its value. 

We will use real-time market data to analyse similar property sale prices in your area, as well as our individual agents’ own experience to assess the market appeal of your property. It’s free and there’s no obligation to list if you decide that maybe the time is not quite right.

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Find out more about the benefits of using an agent to value your property
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